境外學生 - 境外學生申請入學專區

International Student Admission - Application Area

境外學生申請入學專區 系所介紹與課程資訊 獎助學金專區 校園生活

相關法規 Related Regulations

  1. 大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法
    Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education
  2. 外國學生來臺就學辦法
    International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan

招生簡章及申請表 Application Forms

  1. **本校外國學生招生事務皆未委外辦理,若申請人有疑問可洽國際交流組詢問**
    **The admissions affairs of foreign students are not outsourced. If applicants have any questions, can contact the International Affairs Division for inquiries**
  2. 【僑生】112學年度僑生及港澳生單獨招生簡章
  3. 【外國學生】2023-2024學年度外國學生招生簡章(中英文版)
    Admissions Handbook for International Students (Chinese and English version)
  4. 【外國學生】2023-2024學年度外國學生招生申請表 Application Form
  5. 【外國學生專班】2023-2024學年度外國學生一般專班招生簡章(中英文版)
    Admissions Handbook for Foreign Student Special Program (Chinese and English version)
  6. 【外國學生專班】2023-2024學年度外國學生一般專班招生申請表 Application Form

申請流程 Application Process

  1. 截止期限 / Application Deadline
    申請日期 Application Schedule:5月 ~ 8月(秋季班);12月 ~ 2月(春季班)
  2. 應繳文件 / Documents Required for Application
    ※華語文能力測驗(TOCFL) A2或華語班2級研習結業證書

    ※Application form
    ※A copy of passport or other equivalent verification as proof of nationality.
    ※Transcripts and Graduation Certificates Proof of highest academic qualification and transcripts from overseas schools (notarized copy translated into English or Chinese is necessary if the original document is not in English or Chinese) authenticated by R.O.C. embassies, representative, consulates, or other missions authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan.
    ※A financial statement with sufficient funds (to support your study in Taiwan) and the official bank stamp (at least USD $3,500) or proof of scholarship.
    ※A copy of the TOCFL certificate Level 2 or above, or a certificate of completion of a Chinese program at Level 2 (Native Chinese speakers are exempt from this requirement.
  3. 報名方式 How to Apply
    ※線上申請連結 Applications can be submitted online.
    ※資料繳交方式 / Documents to be submitted via:
    (1)請將資料掃描,寄至電子信箱:intel@cute.edu.tw / Scan and e-mail the documents to intel@cute.edu.tw
    (2)郵寄:以紙本掛號方式寄送 / by sending a registered mail to the following address:
    *地址 Address:No. 56, Sec. 3, Hsing-Lung Rd., Taipei City 11695, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
    *收件人 Addressee:中國科技大學 國際交流組收 China University of Technology International Affairs Division
  4. 書面資料審查 / Reviewing all documents
  5. 錄取公告及錄取通知 / Admission Notification

就學費用 Tuition and Fees

學雜費 Tuition and Fees (for one semester)
The following fees are estimated for one semester. There are five months a semester, and two semesters an academic year.

※ 所有費用為”新臺幣(NTD)”。
The estimated numbers listed below are “NTD”.

學系 / 研究所
Department Institute
  • 建築系及碩士班
    Department/Graduate Institute of Architecture Design
  • 土木與防災系及碩士班
    Department/Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering and Hazard Mitigation
  • 資訊工程系
    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
  • 管理學院
    College of Management
  • 資訊管理系
    Department of Information Management
  • 規劃與設計學院
    College of Planning and Design
學雜費 / 學期
Tuition and Fees (for one semester)
TWD $51,658 TWD $45,025 TWD $51,658

其他費用(Other Fees):

  1. 網路使用費 Internet fee:TWD 200/每學期 semester
  2. 電腦實習費 Computer Training Material Fees:TWD 810/每學期 semester
  3. 健康檢查費 Health Examination Fee:TWD 600
  4. 學生平安保險費 Student safety insurance:TWD 375/每學期 semester
  5. 學生活動費 Student activity fee:TWD 300
  6. 居留證辦理費用(Alien Resident Certificate Application):TWD 1,000/每年 year
  7. 外籍學生醫療保險(入學後前六個月)(International Student Medical Insurance (First six months of enrollment):TWD 3,000/每學期 semester
  8. 全民健康保險(入學後連續居留滿六個月開始)National Health Insurance (continuously resided six months after enrollment):TWD 4,956/每學期 semester

台北校區 / Taipei Campus:
  • 116-95 台北市文山區興隆路三段56號 格致樓312室
    No.56, Sec.3, Hsing-Lung Rd, Taipei City 11695, Taiwan(R.O.C)
  • Tel: +886-2-2931-3416 ext 2206, 2207
新竹校區 / Hsinchu Campus:
  • 303-01 新竹縣湖口鄉中山路三段530號 涵德樓711室
    No.530, Sec.3, Jhong-Shan Rd, Hukou, Hsinchu 30301, Taiwan(R.O.C)
  • Tel: +886-3-699-1111 ext 2206, 2207

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