境外學生 - 校園生活

International Student Admission - Campus Information

境外學生申請入學專區 系所介紹與課程資訊 獎助學金專區 校園生活

相關資訊 Relevant Information

住宿費 Dormitory Fees(for one semester)

The following fees are estimated for one semester. There are 4.5 months a semester, and two semesters an academic year.

All fees are based on New Taiwan Dollars ( TWD )

Taipei Campus

≒TWD $20,000
(女生宿舍/Female Dormitory)
(每學期/one semester)

≒TWD $6,000 - $10,000
(每月 / per month)
≒TWD $6,000
(per month)
Hsinchu Campus

≒TWD $14,000
(男生宿舍/Male Dormitor)
(女生宿舍/Female Dormitory)
(每學期/one semester)

≒TWD $6,000 - $10,000
(每月 / per month)

中華民國外僑居留證 R.O.C. Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)



For international students, the Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) serves as their temporary ID card which can prove their resident status in Taiwan. It is a very important document and international students are advised to take good care of it and pay attention to its expiration date!

Moreover, whether international students have entered Taiwan with Resident Visa or obtained Resident Visa through visa change within Taiwan, please remember to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate and Re-entry Permit at the local office of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency on the next day upon arrival or within 15 days of the issue of their resident visa.

應備文件 Required Documents

  1. 申請表一份
    Application Form
  2. 外僑居留證正本(初次申請者免附)。
    Alien Resident Certificate (except for first-time applicants)
  3. 2吋彩色大頭照片(初次申請者須1張、延長居留期限換證者須1張)。
    2-inch photo (2 photos for first-time applicants; 1 photo for applicants for ARC extension.)
  4. 護照及居留簽證正本、影本各1份。
    Original Passport and Resident Visa and one copy of each
  5. 學生證或在學證明書正、影本各1份(初次申請者,得以錄取通知書替代,移民署將會先核發六個月效期之外僑居留證,俟註冊取得學生證後再辦理展延居留期限至一年)。
    Original Student ID Card or Enrollment Verification and one copy of it. (The freshman students could use CUTe admission as verification, National Immigration Agency Service Office will grant a ARC with six month validity in the beginning. When students accomplish registration and receive their student ID cards, they should extend their ARC to one year validity.)

線上申辦系統 Students Online Application System

  1. 線上申辦系統
    Online Application System
  2. 系統操作手冊
    Platform Manual

費用 Payment

TWD $1,000 (One-Year Valid), TWD $2,000 (Two-Year Valid), TWD $3,000 (Three-Year Valid).
Applicants requesting ARC renewal due to the loss or damage of their ARC must pay TWD $500 for the renewal process.

初次辦理注意事項 Notes for First-time Application

  1. 居留簽證入境或在中華民國境內獲改換發居留簽證者,應於入境次日或居留簽證簽發日起15天內,向居留地之內政部入出國及移民署各縣(市)服務站申請外僑居留證及重入國許可。
  2. 持外僑居留證者,倘須在效期內出境並再入境,應申請外僑居留證時同時申請重入國許可。
  3. Resident Visa holders (or ones who obtained Resident Visa within ROC by visa change) are required to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate and Re-entry Permit at the local office of the Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency on the next day upon arrival or within 15 days of the issue of your resident visa.
  4. If Alien Resident Certificate holders need to leave and Re-enter ROC within the valid period of their ARC, they should apply for re-entry permits while applying for ARC.

辦理延期注意事項 Notes for ARC Extension

  1. 外國學生於居留期限到期前1個月內得辦理延期;惟如於7、8、9月到期者,因遇暑假期間,得提前至6月1日起辦理延期。
  2. 未於居留期限內辦理延期者,主管機關得廢止當事人居留資格,並限令出國。
  3. 初次入國未註冊經先行核發效期6個月之外僑居留證者:俟其註冊後,再行受理居留延期申請,並補足已繳規費之剩餘效期。
  4. 於修業年限內申請延期居留者:須持憑學生證或在學證明書申請延期,如學校尚未受理註冊手續,得免附新學期之註冊證明,逕予延期1年。
  5. 已畢業欲留臺覓職者:應檢附畢業證書申請延期,其居留效期統一以畢業當月加計6個月為延期居留期限;如屬延畢者,應檢附相關證明文件,依實際就學情形酌予核發6個月至1年效期之外僑居留證。
  1. International students have to apply for ARC extension one month earlier than the expired date. If the ARC expires during the summer vacation (from July to September), students are allowed to apply for extension from the 1st of June.
  2. For over-staying foreigners who did not apply for ARC extension, their residence will be ceased by the authorized agency, and they may be expelled from Taiwan.
  3. Students who have just arrived in Taiwan, currently hold a 6-month ARC, and haven’t finished school registration will be able to extend their period of stay upon completion of school registration.
  4. Students who are currently studying in Taiwan and need to extend their stay are required to provide proof of academic enrollment or a student ID card. If students are not yet registered (students have to complete their registration by paying tuition fee and get their student ID card stamped at office of academic affairs), proof of academic enrollment is exempted, students can still get an ARC extension of one year.
  5. Graduates seeking employment in Taiwan are required to provide a graduation certificate to extend their period of stay. The maximum extension is six months, starting from the month of graduation. If students have postponed their graduation, they are required to provide documentation to keep or extend their ARC. Students will be granted a maximum extension of one year, according to their academic situation.

工作許可注意事項 Work Permit Notice


For international students who wish to work in Taiwan (either on campus or off campus), they are required to apply for and obtain the work permit before starting work. Please note that if you hold a job without applying for the work permit, you may be fined for TWD $30,000 –150,000!

線上申請系統 Work Permit Online Application System

  1. 線上申請工作許可證需先至以下網站登錄帳號,再按操作手冊之步驟即可送出線上申請案件
    To apply for a work permit online, create an account on the Workforce Development Agency website and follow the instructions in the manuals to submit an application.
  2. 網站:外國專業人員工作許可申辦網
    Website:Work Development Agency EZ Work Permit
  3. 操作手冊:: 外國專業人員工作許可申辦網僑外生網站操作手冊_勞動部版
    Manuals:: Workforce Development Agency EZ Work Permit Manual

申請流程 Work Permit Application

  1. 申請帳號(適用於首次使用本系統之申請者,如您已有帳號請跳至(二)
    Account Application (For first time applicants. If you already have an account, please refer to #2.)
  2. 上傳應備文件 :
    1. 學生證正、反面(須蓋有最新學期之註冊章)Student ID card both-side photos with latest registered sticker
    2. 有效之居留證正、反面ARC card both-side photos
    3. 有效之護照影本Passport
    4. 郵局繳費及填寫收據編號Pay the fee in the post office and fill in the receipt information in the online application form.
    5. 申請費用Fees:新台幣100元整
      劃撥戶名Account name:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶
      劃撥帳號Account number:19058848
      (註: 使用郵局櫃台劃撥費用將於1個工作日內入帳;若使用ATM轉帳則需3個工作日方入帳)
      Payment will reach the Workforce Development Agency within one working day. Avoid using ATM transfer as it takes 3 working days for the Workforce Development Agency to receive your payment.

  3. 通知國際交流組完成學校審核After submitting the online application form, please inform us.

其他相關規定 Other Regulations

  1. 外國留學生,應符合外國學生來臺就學辦法規定之外國學生身分。
    The status of international students in Taiwan should be in accordance with the regulations of Ministry of Education.
  2. 依據「雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法」規定,外國留學生必須來臺修習二學期課程或語言課程一年以上,始得申請工作證。
    The applicants are required to have either spent two semesters studying degree courses or a one-year language course in Taiwan.
  3. 研究所外籍新生,經學校同意從事與修習有關之校內外研究工作,得申請工作證。
    Newly enrolled Foreign Graduate Students who work on course-related academic research with the school permission can apply for a work permit.
  4. 工作許可期間最長時間為6個月。
    The period validity of a work permit is 6 months at most.
  5. 於上學期申請者,工作許可證之期限10月1日至3月31日止。於下學期申請者工作許可證期限4月1日至9月30日。
    For applications made in the first semester, the work permit is valid from October 1st to March 31st; for applications made in the second semester, the work permit is valid from April 1st to September 30th of the same year.
  6. 除寒暑假外,每星期最長時數為20小時。
    The maximum working hours are 20 hours per week, except during summer and winter vacation.
  7. 若未依前項規定,職業訓練局得依就業服務法廢止其工作許可。
    Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training has the right to revoke the permit if the applicants do not follow the regulations.
  8. 未依規定申請工作許可,即受聘僱為他人工作者,依就業服務法,處新臺幣三萬元以上十五萬以下之罰鍰。
    According to Employment Services Act, foreigners who work without a work permit will be fined from TWD $30,000 to TWD $150, 000.
  9. 學生因休學、退學者,若工作許可證仍在有效期限內,應將工作許可證繳回國際交流組。
    Students should return the work permit (if valid) to Office of International Affairs Division if they suspend or discontinue their schooling.

郵局 The Post Office

若要在郵局開立帳號,需持「護照正、影本1 份」、「外僑居留證正、影本1 份」及「新臺幣至少100 元」辦理開戶。

To open a financial account in the post office, you should bring the original and a copy of both your passport and ARC, and at least TWD $100 for a deposit.

中華郵政網站: http://www.post.gov.tw/post/internet/index.jsp

銀行開戶 Bank Accounts

需持「護照正、影本1 份」、「外僑居留證正、影本1 份」及「新臺幣至少100 元」辦理開戶。開戶後建議您順道申請提款卡,因為之後您即可憑提款卡,在任何時候,到各個銀行或分行的ATM進行提款。

To open a bank account, bring the original and a copy of both your passport and ARC and at least NT$100 to the bank for the procedure. It is strongly recommended that you apply for an ATM bank card, so you can use it to withdraw money from ATMs at any bank anytime. ATMs can be found on the street and inside many convenience stores in anywhere.

未成年人銀行 / 郵局開戶注意事項 Bank / Postal Account Opening Notice for the Under Age


According to Taiwan's regulations, people who have limited capacity to make juridical acts ( i.e., those under the age of 20 ), must submit a letter of consent notarized by Taiwan's embassies ( or representative offices ) from their statutory agents or guardians. Alternatively, if the applicant wishes to submit evidence regarding different regulations about the age of majority in his/her home country, he/she must submit the relevant documents notarized by Taiwan's embassies ( or representative offices ) for approval.

台灣政府法令規定凡外國學生來台就學者,擁有居留證後並在臺居留滿六個月,指進入臺灣地區居留後,連續居住達六個月或曾出境一次未逾三十日,其實際居住期間扣除出境日數後,併計達六個月後,需在其就讀之學校或居住地區公所辦理參加全民健保,每個月須繳交TWD $826。

The international student who, after entering Taiwan and gaining an ARC, has stayed in Taiwan for six consecutive months, or exited Taiwan once for less than 30 days, within the period of stay amounting to six months, after deducting the number of days that he or she has been away from Taiwan, may apply for NHI through the university or the local district office. NHI monthly premiums amounts to TWD $826.


Foreign students with relatives who qualify as an insured person under the NHI program can enroll in NHI as dependents. (e.g.: With parents living outside Taiwan but grandparents living in Taiwan, the student may enroll as a dependent of the grandparents.)


The National Health Insurance Program is mandatory; anyone who qualifies for the Program must enroll. Any qualified person who doesn’t enroll is subject to a fine of TWD $3,000 to TWD $15,000. In addition, this person is required to pay the full premiums starting from the date he or she should have been enrolled. No benefits will be offered before the premiums are paid in full. If fined, a notice of penalty violation will be delivered in writing and the fine must be paid on time. If the fines imposed remain unpaid, after a given period of time the case will be referred to the courts for compulsory enforcement.

*如依附學校投保者請注意以下:Applying for NHI through the university

加保 Applying for Coverage

  1. 第一次加保之外國留學生,於取得居留證滿6個月後,攜帶2吋照片一張、居留證正本和正、反面影本以及連續在台居住六個月證明文件(向移民署申請),至國際交流組辦理加保手續。
  2. 如你是要轉入中國科技大學投保,請向原單位申請轉出證明單並攜帶居留證正本和正、反面影本至國際交流組辦理加保手續。
  3. 依附學校投保外國學生,第1學期需繳交當年9月至次年2月的健保費用,第2學期繳交3月至8月的健保費用(每月TWD $826健保費*6個月=TWD $4,956)。
  4. First time to applying NHI students, please hand in those documents to International Affairs Division.
    1. One 2-inch photos
    2. Photocopies of both sides of your ARC
    3. “APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ENTRY AND EXIT DATES”(Applying from Immigration Agency).
  5. If you want to transfer to CUTe, please hand in the transfer report from your original department to International Affairs Division.
  6. If you join NHI through the university, you will pay six months NHI fee to university every semester. It will be TWD $4,956 via your tuition fee.

退保 Canceling Coverage

If you graduate, defer studies, discontinue studies, or are suspended from studying at CUTe, please go to the International Affairs Division to cancel your NHI coverage, and receive refund for payment of NHI premiums.

轉出 Transfer Coverage

If you graduate and work in Taiwan or transfer to other university, please do the NHI transfer at International Affairs Division.

如果遺失了健保卡,怎麼辦呢? What To Do if You Lose Your Card!

After successfully applying for coverage under NHI, you will receive a NHI card. This card can be used at the vast majority of hospitals and medical clinics around Taiwan to receive a significant discount on the price of medical fees.

台北校區 / Taipei Campus:
  • 116-95 台北市文山區興隆路三段56號 格致樓312室
    No.56, Sec.3, Hsing-Lung Rd, Taipei City 11695, Taiwan(R.O.C)
  • Tel: +886-2-2931-3416 ext 2206, 2207
新竹校區 / Hsinchu Campus:
  • 303-01 新竹縣湖口鄉中山路三段530號 涵德樓711室
    No.530, Sec.3, Jhong-Shan Rd, Hukou, Hsinchu 30301, Taiwan(R.O.C)
  • Tel: +886-3-699-1111 ext 2206, 2207

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